Coventry, West Midlands, UK
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Remote Service

Remote Service
Remote Support Available

Rated #1 in Customer Service On Our Review Section!

We are often able to resolve your computer problems remotely. Using our Remote Access Support service we can quickly and conveniently fix many common problems including:
  • Driver updates
  • Minor software repair
  • Operating system updates and patching
  • Email not working due to incorrect configuration
  • Software configuration
  • Any other small problems
A ticket is up to 30 minutes assistance. Most of the above are usually fixed within half an hour, but for longer jobs you will be advise you of additional charges.
Book your appointment! 770 693 0769
Facing Any Problem With Computer / Laptop?

Get help from us!

    Unable to work? Your computer freezes?

    We’ll help you get back to work. Fast and Qualitatively.